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A Little About...

The Genie Monkey
Hi there, I'm James and I've been working in the web industry as a Designer/Front-end Developer for over a decade. It's safe to say I've seen my fair share of design, development and change during this time, however, there's always something new on the horizon to keep the curiosity. You can find some of my works in the gallery further down. If you want to follow me, I have an Instagram account and any personal projects are usually shared on my GitHub .

A Journey Through...

many different industries
I've worked on many different projects with various technologies, in multiple industries including Insurance, SaaS and Engineering. You can check out some of these inside my portfolio.

From design...

To execution
I always try to add a little flair where I can during design and thoroughly love working with new technologies. Utilising modern web methodologies at their inception, whilst not being afraid to try out new techniques.

Small Touches

Beauty is found in the details. I utilise various styles which resonate most with me, this provides me with the creative flair that I translate into my projects. I find it's the smaller subtle elements that I view as one of the most important in my work to ensure thing make sense from a user perspective.

To see examples of this, check out my portfolio.

    View Portfolio

How I roll.

Through experience in the industry I've become quite adept at picking up new technologies and running with it. I'm confident and proficient in my use of the following:

  • Bootstrap
  • Grunt
  • GIT (Kraken, Sourcetree)
  • Jira
  • Javascript Libraries and Plugins
  • Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Lightroom, Premier Pro etc.
  • Sublime Text / ATOM / VScode / Visual Studio
  • Bower/NPM
  • Laravel / PHP
  • C#
  • JavaScript/ES6+
  • Basic Node.js
  • MySql
  • REST/GraphQL API's
  • Further details are listed in my CV

What about me?

So aside from having strong cross browser problem solving abilities, testing and debugging. I like to think I'm an easy going and generally happy person to work with. I am always open to listening to people's points of view and strive to understand the deeper and more detailed matter. I work well within a team and feel working in a team promotes learning from differing angles which is only a good thing. I am also, however, very focused working alone and feel I have come into my own during my time working from home which allows me to be more productive and immerse myself in my projects without external interruption.

I read a fair bit and find Audible great for my early morning walks. I'm also a married family man with two wonderful children and my hobbies include cars, motocross, coding and gaming. I love animals and have a Maine Coon, Bengal and German Spitz.

No matter if I'm meeting new clients, liaising with existing ones or finding my place in a team, I offer you someone who works hard, loves the journey, is trusting, friendly, reliable and focuses well under pressure. I offer honest opinions and want to get the best out of, and for, the people around me.

If I sound like the right fit, check out my CV below, or the one heading your way, and don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Get in touch

You can grab my CV below where my contact details can also be found, alternatively you can get in touch via LinkedIn

Thank you for visiting!
